2 North Korean Soldiers Captured by Ukrainian Forces
Jan 13
2 min read

News Summary
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced Saturday on Telegram that Ukrainian forces have taken two North Korean soldiers into custody in the border region. They are currently being interrogated by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Kyiv.
On Sunday, Zelenskyy additionally published a rare video on X featuring two captured North Korean soldiers being interrogated, where one expressed a desire to stay in Ukraine when questioned about returning to his homeland.
The soldier stated he would return home if necessary, but nodded when asked if he would remain in Ukraine if instructed to do so.
The soldier also mentioned that he was unaware of being deployed for the war against Ukraine, shaking his head from side to side when questioned if he knew he was fighting Ukraine.
He mentioned that he arrived in Russia in November, where they underwent a week of military training prior to being sent to the frontline. He initially thought he was in Russia solely for training, but only realized after arriving that he had been sent to the war.
The two North Korean soldiers who were captured disclose several truths about the Kim regime's decision to send its troops to Russia.
First, the Kim regime completely deceived its soldiers about their involvement in the real war, as they were informed that they would only be participating in training.
It shows that Kim Jong Un was afraid of his military being informed about participating in the real war due to potential backlash from his military.
It also reveals the dire situation the Kim regime has been in regarding its survival, even taking the risk of deceiving its military.
The captured soldier's desire to stay in Ukraine underscores the dire conditions he experienced both during the war and in his homeland. Upon realizing they were to fight in the war, their shock and fear of death could mount beyond what they could handle.
All that has been revealed up to this point highlights Kim Jong Un's misjudgment and cruelty as a dictator. He will soon encounter a harsher backlash than he imagined, particularly from his military.